Edible Excess

May the green be with you
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Edible Excess is all the food considered no longer viable for commercial sale or personal consumption. Labeling Edible Excess helps urban foragers easily locate and rescue this perfectly good food from its path to the landfill. Throw your guilt to the trash and let the parasites take care of your excess. Any blighted, bruised, imperfect, damaged and past it’s due date food can be rescued with your help. Place this icon on garbage bags or cans you know contain Edible Excess or in sites such as: garbage pick-up areas outside restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets, coffee shops and everywhere you know there is Edible Excess.

May the green be with you.

Forays’ Edible Excess icon, is the final outcome of the Edible Excess Machine project, a symbolic machine that is supposed to turn absolutely anything (garbage, bricks, old tires) into edible waste by irradiating it and swallowing a laxative.

The Edible Excess Icon has three audiences; urban foragers, consumers and green capitalists. It helps those who already dumpster to create a more visible network of good sites, it introduces consumers to the idea that there is perfectly fine food being carted off to the landfill, and it asks of those with hope for green capitalism: is it “the planet” you want to save or your life style?

We are producing the Edible Excess icon in the midst of a rapid increase in all things “green”, from organic pet food to green stocks and shares, sustainable mansions to green product trade shows. And art shows. This greening of capitalism is also simultaneously the creation of the brand “green”, a new lable to consume. What, for us, is special about such a brand is that it suggests an infinitely expanding horizon of products and lifestyles because now consumption has no repercussions; it becomes sustainable.

So, we would like to say two things: ok, keep up with the consumption, great, it creates excess that some are happy to live off of (especially the organics, they are just better for us than awful dumpstered white bread). Or, we might all think about eating our own excess, like the snake that eats its own tail.

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